Membership Renewals
There are around 500 membership renewals due. It's all too easy for members to forget to renew their membership and often they don't realise it's lapsed until their mag doesn't arrive. Please check your renewal date.
Once you are a PAC GB member you then have the option of paying £15 regional subs which gives you various benefits (more info further down this Blog Spot.
Free Junior PAC GB Membership
As of Saturday 21st Sept 2013 the PAC GB launched a free junior membership scheme. Juniors can now join for free if they opt to get the online mag 'Pikeonlines', as opposed to the physical mag. Pikeonlines will never replace Pikelines but enables us to offer cheap membership, or as in this case, free. Of course all juniors can afford to join for free. Those juniors who wish to receive the Pikelines mag will still have to pay for this and this level of membership has been raised from £7.50 to £10, to cover the cost of mag production/postage. Each junior will receive a membership card.
There will be a new junior members forum on the website where pike fishing questions can be asked and this will be appropriately moderated by our angling coaches. This ensures that they get exactly the right advice and that all those interacting with the juniors are CRB checked. This will also make it easier for coaches to promote teach-ins and training days.
This scheme is a significant step towards securing the future of the club and of course a means of getting the right info to novices, so will also aid pike welfare in the short and long-term. Get out there and get the juniors signing up for free. They can do this online
Eric Edwards recently secured a significant grant for PAC GB from Sport England for the training of angling coaches and a further 26 PAC coaches are being trained up as we speak. The more juniors we have and events we run; teach-ins, fish-ins, etc, the more credibility the Club gain and the more funding can be applied for.
Being a well organised and professional angling group maintains a good reputation and organisations such as Sport England will invest in us. By doing this, they also help secure our future progress as a club.
The criteria for applying for grants is complicated. Now we have received our first grant, we are much more likely to be successful in applying for further funds. The PAC GB will now be making annual applications for further funding to cover the cost of future projects, training, etc.
Lancaster Canal
Whilst not in our region Lancaster Canal Fishery is now run by the PAC with members only having to pay £15 per year to fish the entire 35 mile stretch of the canal. I'm sure many members would be happy to pay this for a visit to give it a go. It holds some surprises and well worth a bash.
Full details on the PAC GB website
There are around 500 membership renewals due. It's all too easy for members to forget to renew their membership and often they don't realise it's lapsed until their mag doesn't arrive. Please check your renewal date.
Once you are a PAC GB member you then have the option of paying £15 regional subs which gives you various benefits (more info further down this Blog Spot.
Free Junior PAC GB Membership
As of Saturday 21st Sept 2013 the PAC GB launched a free junior membership scheme. Juniors can now join for free if they opt to get the online mag 'Pikeonlines', as opposed to the physical mag. Pikeonlines will never replace Pikelines but enables us to offer cheap membership, or as in this case, free. Of course all juniors can afford to join for free. Those juniors who wish to receive the Pikelines mag will still have to pay for this and this level of membership has been raised from £7.50 to £10, to cover the cost of mag production/postage. Each junior will receive a membership card.
There will be a new junior members forum on the website where pike fishing questions can be asked and this will be appropriately moderated by our angling coaches. This ensures that they get exactly the right advice and that all those interacting with the juniors are CRB checked. This will also make it easier for coaches to promote teach-ins and training days.
This scheme is a significant step towards securing the future of the club and of course a means of getting the right info to novices, so will also aid pike welfare in the short and long-term. Get out there and get the juniors signing up for free. They can do this online
Eric Edwards recently secured a significant grant for PAC GB from Sport England for the training of angling coaches and a further 26 PAC coaches are being trained up as we speak. The more juniors we have and events we run; teach-ins, fish-ins, etc, the more credibility the Club gain and the more funding can be applied for.
Being a well organised and professional angling group maintains a good reputation and organisations such as Sport England will invest in us. By doing this, they also help secure our future progress as a club.
The criteria for applying for grants is complicated. Now we have received our first grant, we are much more likely to be successful in applying for further funds. The PAC GB will now be making annual applications for further funding to cover the cost of future projects, training, etc.
Lancaster Canal
Whilst not in our region Lancaster Canal Fishery is now run by the PAC with members only having to pay £15 per year to fish the entire 35 mile stretch of the canal. I'm sure many members would be happy to pay this for a visit to give it a go. It holds some surprises and well worth a bash.
Full details on the PAC GB website